Please find below links to our statutory documents:
Workshop to Raise Awareness of PREVENT (WRAP)
Prevent is part of the National Government Counter
Terrorism Strategy called CONTEST
All members of staff complete annual Prevent training and two members of staff have completed a further ‘Prevent train the trainer’ course to enable them to train staff members on the government strategy. All governors also complete annual Prevent training.
From the 1st July 2015 the strategy introduced a statutory duty, the Prevent duty which places a duty on schools, registered childcare providers, Local Authorities and other specified institutions to prevent people being drawn into terrorism and extremism.
The Prevent duty sits alongside Working Together to
Safeguard Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education
statutory guidance – safeguarding in broader circumstances
including Contextual/Extra-familial Safeguarding.
The course covers:
• Counter Terrorism Strategy
• Definitions and Terminology
• The Prevent Duty for your setting and Ofsted Inspection
• Vulnerabilities and Characteristics that increase risk of
• Spotting the Signs
• Things to look out for
• Notice, Check, Share
• Channel Programme
• Case Studies
• Fundamental British Values
If you require any paper copies of the information on our website, please contact the school office.