Welcome to Redwood class! Birch class (Year 6) is taught by Ms Halai and Mrs Brown.
What Will We Be Learning?
English – We will be focusing on myths and legends via our focus text Robin Hood. After learning about the features, grammatical content and stylistic details of myths and legends, we will all be working towards writing our own myths and legends.
Maths – To start off the term we will be covering some of the topics that form the foundation of the Year 6 Maths curriculum including place value, negative numbers and efficient mental strategies to calculate with a range of numbers and all four operations.
Science – In Science we will commence the term with a unit on ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ with an emphasised investigative focus on micro-organisms.
History – World War II will form the starting unit in the Year 6 History learning this term. Our historical focus will fall mainly on an in-depth analysis and understanding of the Battle of Britain. Children’s interest will already have been stimulated with the Summer Home Learning Project set, which we will draw on in term for some delicious DT related outputs!
Geography – In our Geography unit this term we will be studying Eastern Europe with a particular focus on the key capital cities and rivers that define this region of the continent.
Art – We will be developing our drawing skills using perspective and relating it to our History topic on WWII.
Design and Technology – We will be using a range of culinary skills in recreating World War II recipes that the children have devised and foraged for!
RE – During our RE lessons we will be looking at Christianity and Buddhism.
Computing – Our first topic in computing will be internet safety during which the class will be able to explore ways in which they can keep themselves safe when using the internet.