The Governing Body act just like a ‘board of directors’, the Governing Body maintains responsibility for the management, strategic planning and welfare of the whole school. The Headteacher of the school is responsible for day-to-day management of the school.
The role of the Governing Body is to:
- Provide strategic management
- Act as a “critical friend”,
The Governing Body supports the work of the Headteacher and other members of the school team. Aycliffe Drive Primary school has a delegated budget to cover salaries, running costs, maintenance and equipment; the Governing Body is responsible for managing this budget. They can decide how many and what types of staff to employ, which equipment to upgrade or replace and what the priorities are for implementing new strategies and initiatives.
Governors must appoint the Headteacher, and may be involved in the appointment of other staff. Governors also have a role in monitoring the school’s progress and in setting annual targets for the school’s performance and for the Headteacher (and ensuring that the Headteacher sets targets for other staff).
Governors must review school exclusions in certain circumstances and have the power to reinstate an excluded pupil or reduce the term of the exclusion (although not to increase it). The Governing Body monitor and evaluate the work of the school through a programme of visits. The whole Governing Body meets 6 times a year as well as the working committees, meeting up to discuss specific areas which they are responsible for.
School Governors – Overview
A school governor can be a parent, member of staff, community representative e.g. local business people, Local Education Authority appointed representative. Each governor brings to the role their own interests, personal strengths and diverse experiences.
Parent Governors
Parent Governors ensure that the viewpoint of parents is represented on the Governing Body, however they must not be thought of as direct representatives of the parents. They speak and act as individuals within the clearly defined roles and responsibilities of any school governor.
Local Authority Governor
Local Authority Governors (previously known as LEA Governors): nominated by the Local Authority.
Staff Governor
The governing body benefits from the representation of the staff of the school. It provides a different professional ‘voice’ from the Headteacher’s. Staff governors are not staff delegates, however, and do not have to express any views other than their own.
Co-opted Governor
They are appointed as a governor by the governing body and who, in the opinion of the governing body, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.