Aycliffe School Council
At Aycliffe Drive we wish for our pupils to be able to make a contribution to the school as a whole and have a forum to air their thoughts and suggestions. To this effect we have set up the school council. This group consists of two elected students from each class, one girl and one boy and led by Mrs Major. There is a link Governor attached to the school council who also attends the meetings. The children meet once a month and are encouraged to put forward suggestions and ideas from their perspective. Minutes are taken and Mrs Major then takes any necessary action. The student representatives then feed any outcomes back to pupils.
Some of the changes the school council has been able to make have been on recycling in school, ideas for charity events and feeding back to the children.
The Councillors
Birch – James and Tharuniga
Sycamore – Edie and Jack
Chestnut – Aiva and Deen
Laurel – Alyssa and Enzo
Willow – Austin and Chloe
Hawthorn – Max and Kawther
Maple – Lacey and Erjon
Oak – Charlotte and Karim
Redwood – Minnie and Chester
Reading Ambassadors
Birch – Kaiden
Sycamore – Fabio
Chestnut – Skye
Laurel – Zuzia
Willow – Hope
Hawthorn – Lucy
Maple – Olly
Oak – Michal
Redwood – Maisie