All of our admissions go through Hertfordshire County Council. If you are wanting to enrol your child into our school, please contact them on 0300 1234 043 or visit
Reception Places
All of our admissions go through Hertfordshire County Council, including applications for our Reception.
Information regarding admissions arrangements for Reception class for the coming September will be sent to your home address close to the time when parents are due to make an application from Hertfordshire County Council.The leaflet will explain when the online applications open and close. We will also send information out to all parents and hold open days so you are able to visit and ask any questions you may have. If you would like any more information about admissions please contact the school office on 01442 973174.
Nursery Places
Please apply directly to the school for Nursery for a place in the coming September.
Application forms will be available from the office, nursery and the pre-school from Monday 15th January 2024. All application forms must be returned by Monday 25th March 2024. Please read the Nursery Admissions Policy below for more information. For any further information please contact the school office by emailing
Hertfordshire Admission Rules
Hertfordshire County Council Admission rules for Primary, Junior and Middle Schools