Welcome to Birch class! Birch class (Year 1) is taught by Miss Johnson with Miss Cowley.
What Will We Be Learning?
This half term we are learning about castles in History and about our local area in Geography.
We will be reading and working on ‘Voices in the Park’ by Anthony Browne in our English lessons for our ‘Modern Fiction’ unit.
In Science we are learning about everyday materials and their properties. We will also be learning about ‘seasonal changes’ focusing on identifying signs of autumn and what changes we notice from summer to autumn.
We will be performing in Music, thinking about the pulse and rhythm.
In PE we will be working on running skills.
In RE we will be thinking about belonging and what it means to belong to a group.
In art we will be learning to create portraits in the style of Picasso.
In PSHE our topic is ‘Being me in my world’. We will focus on belonging to our class, staying safe and feeling special and proud.