After reviewing the school site and surrounding areas this morning, we have made the decision to CLOSE THE SCHOOL TO ALL PUPILS today for safety reasons.
School Office: 01442 973176 / 973174 Nursery: 01442 973182 Pre-School: 01442 973183
Posted on December 12, 2022
After reviewing the school site and surrounding areas this morning, we have made the decision to CLOSE THE SCHOOL TO ALL PUPILS today for safety reasons.
Posted on October 7, 2022
This week 4 Hawthorn have been rehearsing their subtraction skills by playing maths games. In this game we had to choose 5 cards to use as digits and arrange them to make a subtraction calculation with the smallest possible difference. We tried the different methods we have learned this week.
Posted on July 13, 2022
For the past few weeks, Hawthorn have been learning about electricity. In this lesson we have been placing cutlery of different materials into a circuit to see if they conduct electricity.
Posted on April 27, 2022
In 4 Hawthorn we have been looking at using pens for sketching. These are the daffodils we created. We have also used pixel art to try and recreate something similar.
Posted on December 18, 2021
Posted on December 1, 2021
Last week, Hawthorn took part in the school’s experiments into the absorbency of nappies. The children planned their won investigations, setting on three different methods, but coming up with very similar results. We discovered that Papers was the most absorbent of the bands we tested, with Tesco a far way in second and both Aldi and Morrisons a long way behind that. The children, however, wanted to try some extra impromptu experiments.
First we tried a paper towel test on each nappy with a set amount of liquid in. There we found that Pampers was the worst at locking away the liquid, with Aldi coming out top.
We also cut open a nappy, scraped out as many of the crystals as possible, and added small amounts of water at a time to see how much it could absorb. In the end we managed to get over half a litre of water into one tiny pile of crystals.
Posted on January 21, 2020
The children in Hawthorn have written their own version of a paragraph taken from Tolkien’s The Hobbit. It is a setting description using lots of expanded noun phrases, prepositions and adjectives. We asked Willow class to read all of our adapted paragraphs and to vote for their favourite piece of writing. Lots of Hawthorn children got more votes than the authors original paragraph but this was the winning piece!
Posted on December 6, 2019
We had a lovely afternoon in forest school decorating the trees with tinsel and baubles, singing carols, drinking hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows on the fire to make our s’mores.
Posted on December 5, 2019
We’ve been creating some french breakfast menus in Hawthorn this week, the children have enjoyed designing and sharing their menus. We have also practiced asking for different breakfast items. Maybe you could test them out at home!
Posted on December 3, 2019
Over the last few weeks in Hawthorn we have been using equipment to help us model our working. We used Cuisenaire rods to solve divisions and multiplications, Numicon to create factor towers and we cut up pieces of paper to help us to understand fractions.
Headteacher: Mrs Katie Atkinson
Chair of Governors: Mrs. Rosamond Russell
Aycliffe Drive Primary School
Grove Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 6LJ
School Office: 01442 973176 / 01442973174
Nursery: 01442 973182
Pre-School: 01442 973183
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